For some time now I've composed electroacoustic music, which means music made using microphones and loudspeakers. I record sounds then transform them in various ways to create densely textured layers and eventually produce compositions to be played back over speakers. I adhere to a specific definition of music, one which emerged from years of experimentation and latterly from a long period of collaborative research with my Italian friend and colleague Giancarlo Toniutti. This definition sees music, broadly speaking, as an investigation of complexity, sound-as-sound over sound-as-sign. I tend to work on long-term and large-scale compositions which take months and even years to complete.
In performance I use a mixing desk to diffuse high channels of sound streams from a digital instrument I made in max/msp called The Particulate Articulator. I have also developed a quiet and intimate performance project, fouter and swick, using small objects and battery powered devices. Finally I make music for short experimental film, both my own and that of others, blending electroacoustic sources with voice and guitars. Links James Wyness Ubanu Tarasa Drookitarlùp Batlahatli |